re:publica Stage
17:15 - 18:00
The Cube: A Tale of an AI-Ruled State

Short thesis

Can artificial intelligence transform a society into a safer place? Certainly. Is that possible without losing basic fundaments of a democratic and humanistic consensus? Arguably. A cultural approach to the question of how western democracies explore their AI-boundaries.


Artificial Intelligence is going to change the way we work, live, love and also shape our democratic societies. It is a subject of hopes and fears about the next evolutionary level of democracy all over the world. From China’s social scoring system to the increased prevention of manipulating disinformation and hate speech online – the range of usage is wide and full of contradictions. In our interactive session, we aim to contrast dystopian scenarios of data-collecting algorithms steering citizens’ ways with a more positive and benefit-oriented view. Our narrative basis is the best-selling German novel “Der Würfel” (The Cube) by Bijan Moini, telling the story of the resistance of the 28-year Taso in artificial intelligence driven Germany of the very near future. We will use this set up to demonstrate and compare different perspectives on AI as a key factor of future societies and get into a debate about the risks and advantages of western democracies going to get digitalized.